Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ageism Still Alive And Lurking Still This Day Essay

â€Å"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,† (Maya Angelou). Ageism still alive and lurking still this day. I believe that people are prejudice to anything and everything. Today ageism is big in the world today. This really play a huge role in the elderly life span. The history of ageism is the process of stereotyping against people because their old. To me ageism is like sexism and racism, they treat older woman like they’re not human. Like they have these senior discounts and jokes about getting old are limiting. Just like if you have older parents they always will relate to then back in the day. My mom is now 52, she really doesn’t understand this 21st century. I have to help my mom with almost everything new because she gets tired of people just saying she can not do this or can do that. The ageism in America is so strong because the society looks at the youth and their beauty so many older people getting surgeries to look younger and they mess up themselves to look like 21 all over again. Therefore, these older people worried about their looks on the outside they feel the same on the inside. The real reason to aging is death because no one wants to die at all. Ageism is still alive, old people are the most to stereotype lurking in public. Our elders are seen as harmful people like that don’t belong rather than helpful resources. It says that age is nothing but people getting older and they

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